About Us

"La Granja del Colca" is a very original ecological recreation, patiently built over many years in the district of Cabanaconde, in the Colca canyon rim, very close to the viewpoint of the Cruz del Condor. It occupies a prominent part of the hill, which overlooks the vastness of the canyon. It is a place where pets are bred like rabbits, sheep, cows and horses, also poultry, among others. It is surrounded by extensive terraces where potatoes are grown, quinoa, beans, amaranth, fruit and aromatic plants, among others. The Andean mentioned organic products are the basis for the manufacture of beverages and food to offer the visitor. Currently, we operate a test and its opening is scheduled for the month of July 2013.

La Granja del Colca is a project by local entrepreneurs under the criteria of sustainable tourism, born from a passion for serving world travelers, to offer rest, comfort, adventure and satisfaction to the palate. We are located just a short 5 minutes from the famous viewpoint CONDOR CROSS, which is accessible by a footpath, and a dirt road mobility. The campus setting is surrounded by gardens, fields and viewpoints, which will provide peace and quiet and you can observe the wildlife. Welcome, I hope, will visit and unforgettable memories.

Our Mission and Vision is to offer the visitor in transit, food service and beverage in a very natural, friendly and comfortable.